How your eCommerce website should use seasonal SEO strategies

There are many things that you need to consider for running a successful eCommerce website, including digital marketing, website design and development, and overall website performance. In addition, SEO, or search engine optimisation, can be an incredibly helpful tool when looking to organically increase the amount of website traffic you receive.

However, SEO strategy should be dynamic, and you need to ensure that you are constantly updating it in accordance with all changes that may affect your business. The easiest thing, although it is often neglected by businesses, is a seasonal SEO strategy. As such, our experts at Excalibur Digital have created this short guide to help your business thrive.

1. Consider event-based keywords

Each season has different events and holidays that are associated with it, and these are likely to feature in searches that clients make when using a search engine. Around the winter, for example, people are far more likely to search for ‘Christmas gifts’ rather than just ‘gifts’. By updating your keywords accordingly, you can capitalise on these changes.

2. Review existing market trends

If your eCommerce site specialises in products which are constantly updating, such as technology or fashion, then these are likely to change between seasons. Therefore, it is essential that your website reflects this. By reviewing the market changes between seasons, you can make any necessary changes to the products you feature and the keywords associated with them, keeping your website up to date and visible to those customers who want to keep up with trends. This is especially relevant for any websites providing SaaS, as the software provided is likely to update between seasons, as well as eCommerce sites which always need to showcase products that are adhering to modern trends.

3. Update your products

Equally, the wants and desires of customers will change between seasons; far fewer people will be searching for electric fans in the winter. In order to ensure your website is meeting the needs of your customers, you should be adjusting your products accordingly, and ensuring that relevant products are being marketed first and foremost, along with their associated SEO keywords.

At Excalibur Digital, we pride ourselves on helping businesses achieve more with their website. By offering high-quality website design and development solutions, as well as SEO services, we can really help your business to grow. For more information, please contact us at

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